Kristoper Tambunan, SH, MH
Mr. Tambunan is the Co-Founder and Partner of NMCo. Law Firm.
Mr. Tambunan attained his Master in Business Law from the University of Gadjah Mada in 2018 and his Bachelor of Law from the University of HKBP Nommensen in 2005.
He has handled a wide range of Clients such as a limited liability company owned by private parties with a national and international scale, government-owned banks (BUMN Bank), private-owned banks, foundations or groups, and individuals.
Mr. Tambunan is an Indonesian bar member of PERADI (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia), and Indonesian Receiver and Administrator member of AKPI (Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia).
Mr. Tambunan focuses on General Corporate, Trade, Commercial Litigation, Restructuring, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy Litigation, Employment, and Family Law in the Firm.